Clients and publications
Medical writing advisor, Research and Education Network, Westmead Hospital and Western Sydney Local Health District, reviewing research articles and grant proposals (6 years)
Animal Health Australia, many publications and reports
World Health Organization, team editing for large, complex guidelines and protocols
World Health Organization: Childrens Formulary of medicines, for use internationally (2010)
Medical Journal of Australia: journal articles (8 years)
Critical Care Resuscitation: managing and editing journal articles (6 years)
MIMS Australia: editor MIMS IVS (veterinary drug reference book and online) and other MIMS publications (25 years). Project manager and editor MIMS Disease Index (articles for GPs by specialists) (11 years)
Australian Dept of Agriculture: veterinary disease manuals and reports (7 years)
MyDr website: updating consumer health web content (4 years)
National Prescribing Service: consumer health website (4 years)
NSW Health: many reports and monographs (15 years)
Breast Cancer Institute of NSW: in-house publications and journal articles (11 years)
Lifeblood: medical education material
Blood Watch: transfusion patient information brochures
Australian Veterinary Journal: clinical articles
Sydney West Cancer Network: Cancer Services Directory
NHMRC report: Overweight and Obesity
Centre for Health Equity report: Health Inequities
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, proofreader
University of Newcastle newsletters, course and awards documents
Gosford City Council reports and Easy English documents
NSW Department of Education and Training, Northern Region, annual report
RTA 50 km/h trial report
Manuscript Appraisal Agency: general manuscript appraisal
Fiction and children’s books edited and appraised